Thursday, January 12, 2017

Angela, Kristina's partner answers a few

(Admittingly so it felt a bit awkward addressing the partner who is with someone with ME, i found myself concerned i was undermining the person with the illness, I'm thinking this stemmed from watching family dynamics while the partners went day to day with cancer. emotionally, physically hard, Angela reminds me of what i saw during that time  'you take the good with the bad' )

You were already together when kristina was diagnosed,
from your perspective being in a relationship with someone who has ME
what are some of the adjustments you’ve made together or individually?

We have learned that we now have to plan ahead and we can not be spontaneous like we once were. We have to take each day as it comes. Before she got sick, we were able to just get up and go and do whatever we wanted. Planning is a must because activities she once was able to do with no issue ends up wiping her out for days or weeks. We both had to learn to both be more patient with not only this disease but with each other. 

the severity of symptoms seems to vary  do you and kristina have a system?
considering the  line gets blurred between caretaker and partner how do you
guys keep your ‘viability' rather than the illness consuming the lives in one way or another
like kristina said, “i need to have a purpose”

I don't see it as being a caretaker to Kristina. Our relationship is still equal. We had to learn more patience and understanding. It has definitely tested our relationship and it's been very hard at times. It is very hard to see someone you love who was full of life bedridden and sick most days. It was very hard in the beginning for me when we did not have a diagnosis. Watching someone you love who is clearly ill and not getting any answers is just as frustrating for the person who loves them. If any good came out of this, it did make us stronger as a couple because it showed us that we can weather any storm. I know in my heart if our situation was reversed, she would do the same for me. How we get by day to day and not have this disease become our entire life is to remember we are a couple and try cherish those good days when they come because you need them when there are bad days. 

not knowing you at all so i don’t know any background,
has this given you any spiritual break throughs or breakdowns, realizing some
things in life we thought were so important,really aren’t its a strange cycle really

You realize that you never take a day for granted with a loved one. Life is too short and goes by and in a blink of an eye, everything can change. Especially when you are not prepared. You just take the good with the bad and just keep on keeping on. 

is there any one thing that you would
like to share for other partners that are in a similar situation, from you or what you see
from kristina’s view 
(in my mind i always like people to know they are’t alone there is always a relating story)

Never give up on love. It can be very hard and sometimes even frustrating to see someone that you love so much suffer so bad, especially with a disease that people just don't understand. It's hard to explain this disease to outsiders. True love only comes around once in a lifetime and when you're in it. You are in it for the long haul. You never give up. 
There are times where she gets down about herself for not being able to work or do things like she used to. I have to remind her that she is loved and valued even when she at times feels like this disease has taken everything from her. I let her know as much as I can that the one thing this disease did not take is me. 

Kristina and Angela below

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